Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Freezing rain in the forecast??

Right now we are forecasted to get some mixed frozen precipitation, including some freezing rain.  The reason why this could be a concern is that freezing rain can cause a lot of damage depending on how much we get.  The pattern has been that we have been getting a lot more warm air advection and therefore much more rain still reaching up to New England, with the exception of the October/Halloween and November/Thanksgiving snowstorms.  Will this be the case again?  Well, typically in a freezing rain setting for areas in the Northeast we will see a low pressure system over the Great Lakes with a warm front or quasi-stationary front set up across upstate New York (with the freezing rain falling to the north of the surface front) and high pressure centered over Nova Scotia/the Canadian Maritimes.  Currently this is just about the exact setting we will be seeing Wednesday night into Thursday.  But something important to note when forecasting freezing precipitation is that most times it is the local features that have the biggest influence on freezing rain.  It is extremely important to have a well established cold pool at the surface where the falling rain drops can refreeze when they hit the ground.  This is what we will be watching at Wednesday night approaches. Stay tuned for an updated forecast...

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